Articles from speakers

Bruno Eckhardt

Turbulence Transition in Pipe Flow

Turbulence Transition and the Edge of Chaos in Pipe Flow

Transition in Localized Pipe Flow Turbulence

Turbulence transition in pipe flow: some open questions 

Jane Wang

Effect of Forewing and Hindwing Interactions on Aerodynamic Forces and Power in Hovering Dragonfly Flight

Energy-minimizing kinematics in hovering insect flight

Passive wing pitch reversal in insect flight

An immersed interface method for simulating the interaction of a fluid with moving bourdaries

Analysis of transitions between fluttering, tumbling and steady descent of falling cards

Unsteady aerodynamics of fluttering and tumbling plates

Dissecting Insect Flight

Falling Paper: Navier-Stokes Solutions, Model of Fluid Forces, and Center for Mass Elevation

Two Dimensional Mechanism for Insect Hovering

Dragonfly flight

Missy Holbrook

Transporting water to the tops of trees

Application of a Single-solute Non-steady-state Phloem Model to the Study of Long-distance Assimilate Transport

Hassan Aref 

 Point vortex dynamics: A classical mathematics playground

 A Bibliography of Vortex Dynamics 1858-1956

 Vortex triple rings

 Exotic vortex wakes- point vortex solutions

 Vortex dynamics of wakes

Thomas Kiørboe 

 Mechanisms and feasibility of prey capture in ambush-feeding zooplankton

 Significance of swimming and feeding currents for nutrient uptake in osmotrophic and interception feeding flagellates

 Optimal swimming strategies in mate-searching pelagic copepods